Please help out with the page “Obscure deleted apps”
@Dvloperisthebest and @ThePigUser need help on making the DVloper community super better so PLEASE
What's on your mind?
Please help out with the page “Obscure deleted apps”
@Dvloperisthebest and @ThePigUser need help on making the DVloper community super better so PLEASE
If you don’t know what obscure deleted apps is on the page please help out by adding some more obscure deleted apps it will help me out with Dvloperisthebest also
I am a weird kid i dont like girly things like makeup´pink dresses´romantic movies and tv shows ´hunky guys´or coffe. i preffer non makeup´man clothes and weird dresses´horror movies and tv shows´creepy people and soda. one time some people bully in scienst class because of it but the only comfort i had after that is dvloper. his games brought joy to my day and other fanmade animation made by other fans brought matieral vaule to my life.
It's not called the DVloper wiki for nothing
Ps: do you like my render that i made?
I'm Alice.